Sunday, October 14, 2007

We interrupt regularly scheduled programming...

I know I still have a lot of posting to do about my vacation. But what happened last night warrants an audible.

Most of you probably know what I'm talking about. It started around 4:30 p.m., as #17 Kentucky knocked off #1 LSU in a triple-overtime thriller. Anuj, his brother Anish and Neel, who were over at my place to watch Cal-Oregon State, joined me in celebration. Part of it, for me at least, was personal, as I hate LSU Coach Les Miles for comments he has made about Pac-10 football, including my beloved alma mater Cal. But most of the celebration was because Cal, as the #2 team in the country, was in position to capture the #1 ranking for the first time since my parents were 4 years old. Rankings, to some extent, are meaningless, at least at this point in the season, but it was an exciting proposition nevertheless.

Well, any male reader knows what happens next. Cal was, for the most part, outplayed over the course of the next several hours. Angry Cal fans/alums will point to one of two things: 1) Coach Tedford deciding to try for one more play, rather than just taking the FG opportunity and trying to win in overtime, or 2) Redshirt Freshman QB Kevin Riley's admittedly inexplicable (the AP recap of the game actually used the word 'inexplicably' - you don't see that too often from one of today's most objective media sources) decision to scramble with 14 seconds left in the game and no timeouts. I, however, look at the fact that Cal's defense couldn't get off the field on 3rd down all game, or that supposed Heisman candidate DeSean Jackson had 4 catches for all of 5 yards, or that super-sensational true freshman Jahvid Best fumbled when he was (gently) bumped into by one of his own men, or that we couldn't punch it in on 4 tries after we had 1st and goal from the 2 (horrible play calling, btw). We lost that game over the course of it, not on any one decision/play.

In any event, it doesn't really matter what the reason is. We lost, and 15 hours later, I still can't think of a more painful way to lose a game and, more importantly, an opportunity, a possibility, that we might get to play for the national title in January (no matter what Aashish or anyone else says, I don't think there's a chance in hell that the title game is even a remote possibility anymore). I was obviously too depressed to go out and party last night, so I tried to cheer myself up with ice cream and a (mediocre) Chris Rock movie with Seema. Worked for a little while, but I still woke up hurting.

Now, I'm sitting and hoping the Eagles (up 10-6 on the really crappy J-E-T-S) and/or my fantasy football team can salvage the weekend. Also wondering if 10:47 a.m. is too early to numb the pain with some good scotch. I think I'll wait 13 more minutes. 10:47 is still morning. 11 is daytime.



At 4:34 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Girls watch football too Yatin. I had no idea you were so sexist.

At 11:46 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I didn't know it was possible not to know that


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