Monday, December 26, 2005

Merry Christmas

All right, it's a day late. I spent Christmas at Amit's (aka Poo) sister's house in New Jersey, playing drinking games, watching Miami beat the Lakers (how 'bout that Shaq interview after the game?) and dealing with Poo bitching about his pink eye or whatever the hell eye affliction it was.

After dinner, we were off to the merry spot of Atlantic City. We survived the torrential rainstorms and Ronak's inability to properly throw the change into the toll collector, and arrived at about 10pm to a surprisingly packed AC. After a couple shots of Jager, we split up - me, Ronak and Poo's sister to blackjack tables, and Poo to a roulette table. After about 5 hours of gambling, we had done pretty well as a group, despite the challenges caused by dealers who didn't realize that 18> 17 and random-ass garden staters following me to the cashier asking me for money to play cards. Most importantly, I was up about $700, which should fund a good chunk of my impending trip to Istanbul. We then headed to the buffet at the Taj (which I am SERIOUSLY regretting right now) and back on our merry way around 4am.

My flight leaves for Istanbul in about 4 hours. Very much looking forward to popping a sleeping pill and passing out for the majority of the 10 hour flight, and waking up to some good hookah and hummus.

I'll try to post from Istanbul where I will hopefully have some remotely interesting stories. Happy New Year.



At 9:32 AM, Blogger terence said...



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