Wednesday, March 29, 2006

French Protests

I'm sure by now, most of you have read about the protests in France. If not, the brief synopsis is that unions, inspired by young people, have been protesting a proposed law that would make it easier to fire (and thus from an economic perspective, easier to hire) people under the age of 26. Well, the protests have been going on for at least a week now I think, and have started to turn mildly violent.

So, as I was watching the news this morning, a thought occurred to me. Am I the only one who thinks that if the French worked even 25% as hard as they protest, this whole issue probably would have never came up in the first place?



At 9:45 AM, Blogger terence said...

i agree. more interesting though is all the protests and walk outs that have been going on in cali in opposition to the anti-immigration legislation trying to get a passed. something like a half a mil people out earlier this week.

At 12:45 PM, Blogger yat said...

Yeah but at least those people have something legitimate to protest (though i'm not really sure whether i agree with their stance or not). These French protesters are just lazy asses who want lifetime job security regardless of performance. They wouldn't survive a week in New York, LA, DC, etc.


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