Countdown to London
It's Friday, 7:11pm right now. I'm sitting in my room, which is largely empty save for a couple suitcases and all the furniture I am leaving behind for my roommates. My flight for London leaves in 25 hours and 19 minutes.
The last couple weeks have basically been a nonstop party. My last day of work here in NY was last Friday, and then a bunch of out-of-town friends came in for a weekend full of sunshine, Patron, brunch, Grey Goose, bowling, more Patron, beer, partying, Captain Morgan, picture-taking, Scotch, dancing on bars on Sunday night/Monday morning at 4am, and just a little more Patron. I'll spare the details, as Terence's post has got the weekend down cold. All in all, a FANTASTIC time.
Then this week has been low-key partying, sleeping in, and packing. It all culminates tonight, with the combined bday parties of Smitty and Reena as well as my going away party (I suspect there is a bigger going away party planned for tomorrow at 831pm.)
So for the last couple of weeks, I hadn't started getting sentimental. But on Tuesday, when I was at a reception for NY-area Anderson admits and alumni, it started hitting me, as whenever anyone asked what I'm doing for the next several months before school, it always started with "I'm leaving NY on Saturday to go to London for a few months." And now, with the empty apartment, packed suitcases, and going-away party that starts in a few hours, it has FINALLY officially sunk in. I am leaving New York tomorrow. 4 years, 8 months, and 30 days since I moved here (yes, I remember the exact day that I moved here - July 9, 2001). OK, I realize I'm just rambling at this point.
To all my NY friends, whether still in NY or not, it's been an amazing time. I couldn't have survived these years in this city without you and all the alcohol we've shared together. To the Cali peoplez, i'll be home and ready to tear it up in the sun on June 30.
Goodbye New York. I'll miss you :(
Now that I've figured out how to add pictures to this (really not that difficult), here's some good ones from my last full weekend in NY. Enjoy.

Labels: Randomness
you'll be missed though i was never a fellow new yorker. your hospitality there as ALWAYS made those trips memorable. i expect a drunk dial tonight...
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