Thursday, April 27, 2006

Operation Falcon II

First, read, or at least scan this article

Is it just me - or is anyone else troubled by the fact that "the arrests were...timed to coincide with National Victims Rights Week"??? Sure, this probably makes for a better headline. But shouldn't law enforcers arrest violent sex offenders and get them off our streets as soon as is humanly possible?

And for anyone who responds that the timing this year is merely a coincidence, "Last year's sweep netted more than 10,000 fugitives, 10 times the average in a week"

Usually I only say this when Smitty is preparing to attend an 18+ Indian party, but mothers and fathers, PLEASE, lock your daughters at home



At 11:12 AM, Blogger terence said...

what's even creepier is that i read an article a few weeks ago which had a link to a public database where you could search for sex offenders in your area (by way of megan's law). really creepy seeing names/faces of people within a couple miles of you that have been charged with sexual abuse crimes...

At 11:53 PM, Blogger yat said...

did smitty's name come up on the database? if not, he's in violation of his probation


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