Tuesday, November 29, 2005

RIP Chango

As many of you may have heard by now, Chango is closed. out of business. doneski. It is a sad day (well, technically it was a sad day 2 or 3 weeks ago when it happened, but I only found out last wknd, and have been kinda busy since then).

As I reminisced with friends here in NY about all the wild, drunken afternoons spent pounding mimosas (btw, i know that sounds girly to anyone who hasn't been - but 20 mimosas is 20 mimosas), I was saddened by the fact that I didn't get to enjoy one last brunch there with my friends. Chango was like the girl next door - comfortable, fun to be around, and there whenever you needed her. Unfortunately, she was also taken for granted. Then, you wake up one day and poof, she's gone. No note, no explanation (no "one last time").

So, while it's long overdue, thank you Chango for all you've done for me and my friends over the last few years. We'll miss you. (Big Daddy's Diner, btw, can go to hell)


Friday, November 18, 2005

Random Thoughts

Since I haven't posted in a few days, and, frankly, because I'm too hungover to get any real work done, I figured I'd share some random thoughts on today's news.

I'm no fan of the energy industry - but what's up with the Democrats trying to push through this "windfall profits" tax? Isn't the US a capitalist society? Is it really Exxon's fault that everyone likes to drive around in Hummers?

How can anyone actually side with TO in this situation? I'm obviously biased as an Eagles fan, but still

California is finally getting its budget back in shape - and yet is cutting education spending and raising UC/Cal State tuition. What the f*ck??? Am I the only one bothered by this?

I read this in today's LA Times...an inmate was beaten and stomped to death by 2 fellow inmates because he cut in line for dinner...is it just me, or is this "cruel and unusual"? How good is dinner in prisons that people would do this?

Iraq's interior minister, in response to recent allegations of malnourishment and torture at some of its prisons, was quoted as saying "Nobody was beheaded or killed." Oh, OK. It's all good then.

Lastly, Atlanta Braves' third baseman Chipper Jones agreed to restructure his contract to save the team as much as $15m over the next 3 years, so they can try to sign some free agents and be more competitive. I don't want to exaggerate this - homeboy is still making $37m over the next 3 years. But in the current state of sports, he deserves a round of applause for putting the team first.


Monday, November 14, 2005

Weekend in the Yay

So I got back Sunday night from a fun-filled 3-day weekend in the Bay Area, home of my alma mater UC Berkeley. In hindsight, the weekend can be summed up quite simply by 3 things: 1) drinking, 2) eating and 3) watching bad football

I arrived late Thursday night and, in classic Yatin style, went straight to a bar with Manish and Aashish to meet up some college friends. Low key night, as I had been up for over 20 straight hours thanks to the time change, and was ready to fall asleep after the 3rd Grey Goose. Friday, however, was a much different story. Picked up Gaurav from "work" (wearing flip-flops and jeans), and then Anuj from the airport. Went to Berkeley to eat lunch at my #1 favorite Berkeley dining spot, Chaat Cafe. After scarfing down their famous (and reasonably priced) Chicken Wraps, we headed to the campus area to do some old fashioned reminiscing. Unfortunately, Friday was a holiday so campus and the streets were relatively dead for a Friday afternoon, but we made the most of it by hitting up Blake's (home of many college bday drinkfests) to grab a few pitchers before heading back to SF for a preparty nap.

After pregaming at Aashish's apt, we headed to a local bar/lounge for some serious drinking. I'm not gonna lie to you - I don't remember much, outside of randomly running into some friends I hadn't seen since college, getting a half-ass invite to an upcoming wedding (i'm guessing that one gets lost in the mail) and walking up those dreaded steep hills of San Francisco at 2am, hearing someone puking behind us and wondering who had drank too much (after finding out who it was, I will spare him/her the embarrassment). After post-gaming til 3am or so while watching Harold & Kumar, the thought of sleep - yes, even sleeping alone on a futon, was quite appealing.

Unfortunately, the sleep only lasted til about 745am, as we had much work to do before the Cal-USC kickoff at 1230. Arrived at Henry's, a famous bar in Berkeley, at around 930am - who says people in California don't know how to party? After making our way to the crowded bar, we proceeded to pound about 6 long islands in the next hour. Pretty good if I do say so myself. Henry's is a great pregame spot - very festive atmosphere, reasonably-priced and extremely potent drinks, and a nice outdoor patio setup. Too bad the Texas fans showed up, stunk up the place and generally ruined the fun as Texas fans have a tendency to do. Wanting to keep up our Long Island-inspired buzz throughout the game, myself, Manish, Anuj, Aashish and Ami put our teamwork skills to use and made a few "pocket" drinks for the road, and headed up to Memorial Stadium for the much-anticipated game.

The rest of the afternoon is blurry. So let's just skip it, ok? All I know is Cal's only TD drive was led by last year's backup fullback, who hopefully will be starting this Saturday at Stanfurd. All I can say to Joe Ayoob is I hope you are taking advantage of the fine education Cal offers, cuz you're certainly not gonna be Jeff Tedford's next first round QB.

Postgame offered another fine Berkeley meal, this one courtesy of Steve's Korean BBQ (as unfortunately the line for my #2 favorite Berkeley restaurant, Top Dog, was about 50 people deep). The highlight of the drive back was when my friend Ali did his standard Friday/Saturday night text asking "Plan tonight?" Already in a bad mood b/c of the game, this was exacerbated by his obvious mass text. So I decided to have some fun with it and texted back telling him to meet me and Anuj at Earth, a lounge in Manhattan. This made for some good laughs, as he was clearly confused as to when Anuj came to visit NY, and he seemed intent on meeting us at Earth. Unfortunately, Anuj had a rare bout of guilt, and ruined the plot by confessing that we weren't in town and, alas, it was not in fact Roopa's bday party at Earth.

The rest of the weekend was pretty tame, given the depression and hangover induced by all the long islands and crappy Cal football. A few drinks on Saturday night, an early wake up and trip to the airport on Sunday morning, and here I am back at "work" on Monday, obviously not catching up on what I missed on Thursday and Friday.


Friday, November 04, 2005

Top 5 lists

A friend and I were recently discussing out favorite beers...so, I decided to make a list of my favorite, as well as a list of my favorite mixed drinks. Here goes:


1. Sam Adams - Gotta go with a domestic, and Sam Adams is hands down the best
2. Hoegaarden - What's up with bars that have Hoegaarden on tap and run out of lemon wedges? Or Blue Moon and no oranges? They should have their alcohol licenses revoked
3. Sierra Nevada - West coast representation
4. Heineken - A good, all-around beer...good at home, good at bars, good at clubs...and not to mention one of the cooler bottles out there....the keg can is overrated though
5. Brookyln Lager - I had trouble with this one...eliminating Red Hook, Pacifico, Killians, and Yuengling amongst others was not an easy thing to do emotionally...so the tiebreak goes to a local beer from the city that will always be my 2nd home (well, 3rd...vegas is 2nd)

Mixed Drinks

1. Grey Goose on the rocks (preferably Citron) - Goes down smooth, no messy mixers to deal with, and it gets me pretty trashed pretty quickly
2. Captain and Coke - OK, fine, Captain and Diet Coke
3. Gin and Tonic - Only if it's Tanqueray...if it's Sapphire, drop it down to #4
4. Citron and Soda - gotta thank Sujit for this one
5. Makers on the rocks - another tough call...it's become a recent favorite...ask me again in a month and it will probably have changed

Have a good weekend everyone


Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Couple of Suggestions...

if you're like me, you were scared s*itless after reading some of the initial press on samuel alito, jr., our beloved president's latest choice to replace Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor...the media made a lot in particular about his ruling in the early 1990s upholding a Pennsylvania law requiring women to notify their husbands before getting an abortion (which i think is absolutely ridiculous and beyond unconstitutional)....but this article in the LA Times gives a more moderate picture, and at the very least, I suggest reading it before making any final judgments on the candidate

on a lighter note, check out "Everybody Hates Chris", the only UPN show you will likely ever laugh during...it's narrated by none other than chris rock, and is based on his childhood growing up in Brooklyn. I saw it for the first time on Tuesday and, going in with low expectations, was pleasantly surprised.


Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Welcome Everyone

There. I did it. I set up a blog. I know, I know...you're all saying, "Yat. Your life/thoughts/opinions are too boring and meaningless to warrant a blog." And I couldn't agree more. But I needed SOMETHING to do on those slow days at the office when I feel like I've read everything on the web. Besides, you all waste your time on enough useless porn/shopping websites that you can spend a couple minutes a week seeing what I have to say....more to come later
