Thursday, September 21, 2006

ALERT: B. School is NOT a joke...seriously, i'm not joking

Well, the day has finally happened. My 80-day weekend finally ended. This actually happened on Monday, but the first week of school has actually been extremely busy. Orientation starts at 8am every day, and we basically have lectures or other "leadership" exercises nonstop til 6pm. After that it's a combination of mandatory nighttime events at school, reading case studies (WTF? I thought I didn't get into HBS???), working out (MUCH easier to do thanks to the UCLA co-ed's...can't wait til the undergrad classes start), and drinking/socializing with my new classmates. I haven't seen my "non-Anderson friends", as they will now be referred to for the next two years, since Sunday, which is quite a change from the previous few weeks when I was seeing them every day. I gotta say, I don't miss them all that much. My new classmates are (generally) pretty cool - outgoing, funny, social, smart, etc. I am dissapointed by the ratio though - my class is 72% male. I feel like I'm going to an Indian party where there's literally three guys for every girl, and about half the girls are already spoken for. Only difference is that at the Indian parties, the single girls are generally bitches who think they're far better looking than they really are (ladies, just cuz you happen to have one Friendster pic that makes you look average to slightly above average, doesn't mean you really are average to slightly above average).

This week, which is the first of two weeks of orientation, has been a weeklong course called "Leadership Foundations", which basically consists of a series of lectures and activities designed to teach us the theories and best practices of leadership. It's been four days, and as far as I can tell, they've pretty much just taught us that good leadership = good teamwork. B-School is all teamwork. We're even assigned study groups. It's still early, but so far I'm VERY happy with my study group - the two international students actually speak proper English (which sadly is all too often NOT the case), and everyone mutually agreed that we won't meet on the weekends except when absolutely necessary. You know what that means my LA friends - Vegas 2-3 times a month (starting with the wknd of September 29th).

More to come later. Right now I suppose I should be working on my "Leadership Map" which is due tomorrow. What the f*ck is a "Leadership Map", you ask? Well, I haven't really done mine yet, so I'm not quite sure. But I think it's supposed to be some self-reflective essay about my leadership goals, experiences, strengths, weaknesses, blah, blah, blah. Then Saturday we have mandatory volunteer day - yeah, that sounds pretty oxymoronic to me too. And speaking of morons, it's Atur's engagement party on Saturday night. Congrats buddy!



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