Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Another List...

So, the day has finnnnnallllly arrived. My last day of work. Starting tomorrow, I have an 80-day weekend, which will include trips to LA, Kenya, Egypt, Tanzania, Botswana, South Africa, Tennessee, the High Sierra and potentially SF or Vegas. I can't fucking wait!

I've done enough of the sappy "leaving NY" / "Last Friday of work" etc. posts. All I can say is that I have been walking around all day with a gigantic goofy smile on my face, and you all know I'm not much of a smiler. Anyways, I'm gonna try to lighten it up a bit here with a list of the Top 5 things I'm going to miss about work:

5) That amazing feeling that kicks in Friday afternoon, just after lunch, knowing the weekend is just hours away. Bonus points if Monday is a holiday.

4) Free high-speed internet and long-distance calling. I doubt I'll ever speak to Shashank again. The only upside is now when I'm surfing the web, at least all the porn and gambling sites won't be blocked.

3) Of course, the BlackBerry, which to me truly is a CrackBerry. Everyone is used to me responding to emails within about 1 1/2 minutes, so it's gonna be a tough adjustment for all of us.

2) Going to sleep at night knowing I have made a positive contribution to society. OK, I only threw that in there to see if you were paying attention, and b/c I couldn't really think of a 5th thing I'm going to miss about work.

1) The 15th and the 30th/31st

So, there you have it. I am now leaving the post-college work phase of my life and about to enter the MBA phase.

Enjoy the holiday weekend everyone. My next post will likely be from somewhere in the Third World. Feel free to lob in souvenir requests.


Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Things That Make Me Smile

Thanks to Brian for inspiring this "I have nothing to do in my lame duck week at work" posting.

Things that make me smile (in no particular order):

The Eagles having a big lead late in the 4th quarter
24-hour Del Taco
The beach on a sunny day
Walking into my parents' house after a long time away
Ice cold 6-packs
Long weekends
New York fucking City
Sunday afternoons during football season
3 hour dinners with nowhere to be afterwards
Greasy, drunken 4 a.m. food
Cal football games at Memorial Stadium
All-you-can-drink deals at brunch
Sports debates/discussions with the Tripathi brothers
Seinfeld references/discussions with the Bengali brothers
Drives to Vegas
An 11 against a 6
A blackjack against a 20
Crazy Horse Too
The 15th and 30th/31st
Good hookah
Outdoor restaurants
Grey Goose Citron on ice
BBQ's at my parents' beach house
Finishing a 5-mile run
Landing in a country I've never been to before
Old friend reunions, e.g. weddings, engagements, etc.
A proper steak dinner - hash browns, creamed spinach, a bottle of cab and absolutely NO steak sauce
80-day weekends

This is a partial list of stuff I can think of at the moment. So, what makes YOU smile???


Monday, June 26, 2006

Major Life Change - Input Requested

OK, that was a bit of an exaggeration.

But, as my work life comes to an end, I have realized that the blog must be renamed. And, "I set this up b/c I have nothing else to do at school" just doesn't make any sense. There isn't any "face time" at school, so if I have nothing to do, I can just go drink, work out, chill on the beach, drink, drive around, stalk UCLA co-eds, drink, etc.

So, with that, I turn to you, my faithful 4 readers, for suggestions on what the blog should be renamed.


Friday, June 23, 2006

The Beginning of the End...

Today marks the beginning of the end of my post-college, pre-MBA career. Including today, I have 5 more days of work left. Unbelievable. So much has happened over the past 5 1/2 years since I took my last final at Berkeley. (Amazingly, I actually remember that final. It was BA 150, Organizational Behavior. Being that it was my last final, I took a shot of some alcohol beforehand - can't remember what it was - fortunately grades didn't really matter anymore because, not surprisingly, I didn't do very well on that final.)

Since then, I've received my degree (barely - as anyone who was in Berkeley for my graduation ceremony knows), moved cross-country to New York, job-hopped a bit in New York, went through several different "core" groups of friends, and then moved even farther east for a few months, to London, where I have been working for the last 2 1/2 months.

And here I am, Friday, June 23, 2006. Today marks the "beginning of the end" because it's my last Friday as a corporate slut. Well, my last Friday as a corporate slut until whatever internship I start next summer. Since, as a working man, Fridays have always been my favorite day of the week, I'm suddenly getting very sentimental about work - not London, or Barclays specifically, or any co-workers in particular, just the concept of having a job. Even back when I was a scumbag investment banking analyst who regularly worked weekends, I almost never stayed past 7ish on a Friday evening. Thus leaving enough time to order a firm-funded (or client-funded) dinner and grab a couple drinks with co-workers before heading home to get ready for the REAL partying.

I remember, back when I was a first-year analyst, and still relatively young and energetic at 21. I would go out with my then-roommates, Vinay and Ramesh, and my first group of NY friends, including Vinay's then-gf, now-wife Anjali, their friend Pooja, and some of their other friends (with Anuj and Ali Haider occasionally thrown into the mix). We'd party til 3 or 4am at some Indian party at Metronome or Lansky Lounge, get some food and head home. Then, somehow, I'd wake up at 10 or 11 the next morning, hit the gym, and make it to work around lunchtime. Some Saturdays I'd only have to stay for a few hours, leaving the bulk of the work for Sunday, or, better yet, for someone else. But a lot of times, I'd have to put in a full 8+ hours even on a Saturday. Hungover, on not enough sleep. And somehow, I was able to do it, and often times I would even be able to rally to make it out Saturday night and repeat the same schedule on Sunday (except the going out at night).

Now, I'm a not-so-young, not-so-energetic 26. The Friday night NY partying crew before I left for London was completely different (except Ali). Anuj had left New York. Sujit had come and gone. Smitty had moved to New York and I was living with him and partying regularly with him. I somehow became friends with a whole crew of NYU kids who are all like 3 years younger than me (that's my shout-out to Poo, Ronak, Fake, Reena, Shef, etc. even though none of them read this). Even the partying had changed. The frequency of pre-partying had increased dramatically (as had the quantity of pre-partying drinks consumed). SoCo Lime was out (to an extent), replaced by Patron and Jager. Metronome was Strata. Lansky Lounge was God-knows-what. Post-partying food, at least as a group, was rare. One or more of us would generally be too drunk and thus leave, and 9 out of 10 nights (ok, fine, 99 out of 100), I'd stumble into a cab with Smitty and we'd go home together, occasionally slurring "Big Mac combo - diet coke" at the 24-hour McDonald's on 28th and Park (the diet cokes NEVER got drank).

The saturday mornings changed also. Fortunately, I was no longer an i.banker and thus didn't have to work weekends. Did I ever wake up at 10 or 11 to go to the gym? Fuck no. I would still make it to the gym occasionally, stumbling out of my bed and into my workout clothes at noon or 1. I'd walk downstairs, where one or more people would still be sleeping on the futon/couch, sometimes even the floor. I'd shake my hypocritical head with disapproval and head out to the gym. The problem is I'd still be hungover while on the treadmill, simply praying that if I ran long enough and fast enough, I could sweat out the residual alcohol. Then I'd come home and the futon/couch people would generally be half-awake, watching TV or searching for random chicks on Friendster (you know who I'm talking about). Not having to go to work, we'd just start drinking again to kill the time until Saturday night rolled around. I can't even imagine the wreck that I would be if I had to go into work on a Saturday. I honestly am at the point where I don't think I can EVER work weekends again.

So, there it is. My last Friday at work. Of course, it won't be the same being here in London. I don't really have anyone to get drunk with, so, quite ironically, I probably won't be hungover tomorrow. I might even make it to the gym.


Friday, June 16, 2006

Got 6 Model Chicks, 6 Bottles of...Dom P?

I just read this article. Pretty damn funny. I wonder if Jigga is gonna go back and change the lyrics on each and every song where he mentions Cristal (including such hits as I Just Wanna Love You, Excuse Me Miss, Change The Game) and re-record them. Wouldn't it be pretty hypocritical for him to encourage a boycott of Cristal and then show up at 40/40 and see him bopping his head to "Might buy you Crist, but that about it..."


Monday, June 12, 2006

Bringing New York to Europe

Apologies for not having posted in quite some time. The last 10 days or so have been pretty busy as I have been entertaining 3 of my friends from New York - Amit, Neil and Vishal (nicknamed Poo, Fake, and PB, respectively – don’t ask).

I should also caveat this posting by pointing out that this is the PG version. Well, probably PG-13 actually. There’s a new saying – what happens on guys-only trips in London and Spain, stays in London and Spain. At least for a non-password protected blog website.

The guys arrived on Friday morning, and the madness started immediately. You knew it was gonna be a crazy trip when Poo had lost his paper plane ticket and PB had lost his passport beofre I even got home from work on Friday. The weekend ended up being a par-for-the-course NY weekend. Ridiculous amounts of drinking on Friday night at a nice lounge called Embassy, coming home and devouring some food, and sleeping until like 2 p.m. on Saturday – clearly, sightseeing was not the guys’ #1 priority. When we woke up, we didn’t head for Westminster Abbey, or the National Galleries, or St. Paul’s Cathedral, but instead to a Tex-Mex restaurant for some grub, margaritas and beer. Then after walking around and people-watching for a bit, back to the apartment for a late afternoon nap. Apparently, sleeping until 2 p.m. wasn’t enough to recover from the previous night. Saturday night, more heavy drinking at a really cool hookah lounge/club called Isis. We were even lucky enough to encounter an Indian bachelorette party. Spent some time chatting them up, but unfortunately most of them had boyfriends and they eventually left to continue their party at another club, or maybe a strip club. I don’t really remember, as I was drunk enough that after leaving the club, I proceeded to puke in front of my building, and fall asleep fully clothed and fully upright on my living room couch. Good times! Fortunately, the guys (except poor PB who lost his passport) left the next morning for Barcelona, so Sunday was the typical Sunday spent relaxing and recovering.

After spending Monday and Tuesday recovering from the events of the weekend (my tolerance has declined dramatically since I moved to London), I boarded a plane to Madrid on Wednesday morning to meet the guys. During my Western Europe backpacking trip 5 years ago, Barcelona was easily my favorite city, and most people I’ve talked to said Madrid was even better, so I was super-stoked for the trip. We spent the first day wandering around the city, working up quite a sweat in the searing 90+ heat. We checked out the 2 major museums there, the Museo del Prado (historical art) and the Museo Reina Sofia (modern art, including a lot of Picasso’s work, including his famous Guernica, which was really cool to check out in person). Wednesday night at about 2 a.m. (we were warned not to bother going to Madrid clubs before 2) we headed to a club called Pacha. Nice place with a lot of sofas to lounge on, and 3 bars on the first floor alone. Since it was a Wednesday night, it was pretty slow (by Madrid standards), but we still managed to get pretty drunk, leaving the club sick from cheap vodka and non-light cigarettes.

We managed to wake up early enough on Thursday to get ready and head to the train station to catch the 1:50 train to Toledo, a small town about 30 minutes away that supposedly is an old-style Spanish town that hasn’t been commercialized. Unfortunately, the Madrid Metro did not cooperate. After getting stuck on the train for like 20 minutes, we realized we weren’t going to catch the 1:50 train as planned. Since the next train wasn’t until 3:50, we just said screw it, got out, and spent the day roaming around on an overpriced tour bus, eating/drinking, and doing some shopping (FYI for anyone going to Madrid – there are Zara’s EVERYWHERE and the clothes are much cheaper than they are in the U.S.). We went to the biggest park in Madrid, which was pretty disappointing, with the highlights being the ridiculously fat pigeon we saw and the guy in a Mickey Mouse costume who asked Poo for money when Poo tried to take a picture with him. We also tried going to the Royal Palace, but alas it had closed at 6 p.m. I don’t get why stuff closed so early there. People party so late into the night, you have to assume that many tourists don’t wake up until well past noon. Then the lazy Spaniards are all siesta-ing in the early afternoon, so how much time does that leave for all the other stuff? Quite annoying.

On Thursday night, we headed for a club called Kapital. After yet another bad Metro experience, we finally got to the giant place with its 7 floors. It was the first club I’ve ever been to that actually had a directory of the different floors, as well as an elevator. After grabbing a couple drinks and exploring the first couple floors (standard Euro techno), we found exactly what we were looking for on the 3rd floor - hip-hop music and cute Indian girls. Needless to say, we didn’t explore floors 4-7 the entire night. After strategizing for a few minutes and grabbing another drink, Poo and I walked over to the girls and started chatting them up in Spanish – just in case they were actually locals. Of course, within about 20 seconds, we discovered they were Indian-Americans, who went to Cornell (and eventually acted like it), and even knew some of Poo and Fake’s friends from New York. Unfortunately, there were only 2 of them and 3 of us. Which I guess worked out OK as Fake (the one with the girlfriend) did a good job of winging for Poo and I, which essentially consisted of staying on the sidelines taking some pictures, sneaking us gum, and buying all of us drinks. Things seemed to be going reasonably well – we were chatting, drinking, dancing for a couple hours. Then, inevitably, at about 4 a.m., we hit a wall. After buying the girls two rounds (vs. 0 offers on their part to buy us drinks), they stopped drinking. Then, one of them knocked over Fake’s drink (€11, or about $14 for those scoring at home), breaking the glass. No apology. Then they said they wanted to go back to their hostel and sleep (I’m pretty confident they were lying and that they were really at a 5-star hotel and just didn’t want us to know they were spoiled rich kids who don’t know how to slum it up when traveling). We gave them a little shit for wanting to go home so early while on vacay in Madrid, so they ended up sticking around for a while longer. Still though – they didn’t drink anymore nor did they offer to buy us drinks. Then one of them kept saying she was hungry, saying “I need fries”, over and over again. So, at around 6 or 6:30 a.m., we left the club, and went across the street to some restaurant and ordered a couple plates of fries. No, they didn’t offer to pay for the fries either. We left the restaurant at around 7:30 a.m. (pretty cool partying until well past sunrise), saying we’d meet them the next afternoon at the Toledo train station, knowing we’d never see them again. Sure enough, we never saw them again, although in typical Indo style, one of them found Poo and me on Friendster. Which reminds me, I should probably delete the link to this blog from my Friendster profile.

Amazingly, despite getting home so late, we got up on Friday and made the 1:50 train to Toledo. Poo and PB were even alert enough to meet a couple girls on the train, who we spent the afternoon touring Toledo with. It’s a pretty nice city, though it seems to have gotten pretty commercialized. A lot of restaurants (including, of course, a McDonald’s) and retail stores (including, of course, a Zara). It did have a very nice Cathedral, which I’m forgetting the name of now, and a very mediocre Mosque. We admittedly didn’t see some of the other monuments, as it was raining and overcast, so we headed back on a 5:30 train.

Apparently, Friday night in Madrid is techno night. No matter where you go. Be warned. After deciding not to go into Ananda (a very cool looking place – ½ indoor and ½ outdoor, with an amazingly beautiful crowd, even by Spanish standards) because of the music, we headed back to Kapital, where we hoped to find a large group of, yet again, Indian bachelorettes that we had seen from our taxi near our hotel. Just our luck, we weren’t able to get in - even though it wasn’t yet 2 a.m., the bouncer claimed not to have space in their massive club for 4 guys. So we headed back to the only other place we knew, Pacha. It was there that an American exchange student living in Madrid notified us that Friday is simply techno night EVERYWHERE in Madrid. How disappointing – a large city known for its amazing nightlife apparently only has 1 genre of music available to Friday night clubbers. After having a couple drinks at Pacha and trying unsuccessfully to enjoy the music, we headed to a place called Chesterfields that the exchange student had told us about. More techno music, mixed in with some Spanish stuff. Admittedly disappointing way to end an amazing trip. Got back home at 5:30 a.m., packed my stuff up, watched some really bizarre porn that was on public-access Spanish TV, drunk-dialed a few friends back in the U.S., and headed straight for the airport, in full clubbing attire. One of the most painful flights of my life, even at only 2 hours.

Spent Saturday afternoon/evening back in London getting some desperately-needed sleep, taking the guys on the London Eye (the only “sightseeing” Fake and Poo did in London), and getting the obligatory Indian food. Saturday night we literally bounced between 2 clubs – Pangaea and Isis, in our endless and ultimately unfruitful search for cute, single Indian girls, before learning one of London’s harsh lessons. Apparently, at 3 a.m., you have to choose between getting food and going home. We found a cab and instead of going home, we asked him to drop us off somewhere we could get food. He took us to a falafel/kabob place, where we happily and hungrily got out even though it was nowhere near my apartment. Ordered some takeout food and went back on the street trying to find a taxi to take us home. We walked for literally like half an hour holding our damn hands out trying to flag an empty cab. Nothing. Plenty of the shady mini-cabs stopped for us, but none of them knew how to get to my apartment. After half an hour or so, we said screw it and started eating our food right there on the sidewalk, spilling lettuce and meat/falafel from our overstuffed pitas all over the otherwise clean London streets. After another 15 minutes or so of desperate searching, we finally sucked it up and paid a private car £20 to take us home, where we finally arrived at about 4:30.

Now, it’s Monday, back at the office. I’m moderately recovered after spending Sunday resting, reading (if you haven't yet, read The Kite Runner - GREAT novel), and watching a very lackluster French Open men’s final (this so-called Nadal-Federer rivalry is starting to bear a striking resemblance to the so-called Federer-Roddick rivalry). But I sense I’m starting to get sick, as I pretty much always do after 4-day boozefests like the one I just had. But it was well worth it, and now I just count down the 18 days remaining until I hop on that BA flight at Heathrow to head back to LA, where I shall, as 2Pac encourages us all to do, live and die.

Here's some good pictures from the week:

At Embassy, a club in London:

The aforementioned Cornell girls:

At Kapital:

Go Poo!!!

At Retiro Park in Madrid (rocking the Zara):

Outside the Reina Sofia (home of, amongst other Picasso works, Guernica):

Aboard the London Eye:


Thursday, June 01, 2006

June is FINALLY here...

Although you wouldn't know it if you were across the pond here in London. It's been in the mid-50s and windy as hell all week, including today. Miserable. So much for Memorial Day being the unofficial beginning of summer. I guess it doesn't really apply here since this past Monday wasn't Memorial Day. It was, however, a bank holiday. When I asked my co-workers what the basis for the holiday was, they said there basically was none. In other words, it was just a holiday for holiday's sake. Interesting. It reminded me of those 'student free days' back in elementary school. Did you guys have those? You know, when students got the day off and teachers supposedly came in for meetings, etc. Though I never actually believed teachers came in on those days.

Anyways, as usual, I digress. I woke up this morning in one of the best moods I have woken with in a looong time. No, I had not just had a 'wet dream', but thanks for wondering. The reason for my rare good mood? The date on the calendar - June 1. Normally, I am always a big fan of the first day of a given month, for several reasons:

First, it means I got paid the previous day. This payday is magnified here in London since I don't have to immediately fork the money over for rent.

Secondly, it provides a great excuse to play "1st of Tha Month" on my iPod. Great song, which I'm sure even the non-hip hoppers recognize. As Chris Rock so aptly put it -"Ni**as is singing welfare carols!!!" (my favorite line - "I'm gonna run and go get my stamps. Watch and make sure no one snatches my check.")

Lastly, it means I get to literally turn the page on my calendar. What's the big deal, you ask? If you're even asking, you clearly haven't seen my Philadelphia Eagles Cheerleader Calendar. My favorite part of each month is flipping the page to the next stunning beauty. I haven't done that yet today - I'm saving it for when I get home. Needless to say, I will be leaving work even earlier than usual today. Save the masturbating jokes, please.

But this month is special. It's my last month here in London. I wanna caveat this (mainly so Bhargavi doesn't try to drown me in Zanzibar next month) by stating that I have NOTHING against London (except for the miserable food and weather). It seems like a very fun city, with lots to do and see, in the same range as NY (though no city in the world can live up to NY in my opinion). It's just that I haven't really had a chance to take advantage of it - which admittedly is mainly my own fault for not having met many people. So as you can imagine, I'm very excited because exactly one month from now, I will be chilling in my new and PERMANENT home of LA.

June also marks my last month as a full-time working man, for the time being. On July 1, I commence a 2 1/2 month vacation. The only things on my to-do list during those 79 glorious days - find an apartment, move in, buy a car, climb Mt. Kilimanjaro, and avoid liver failure. Notice I put those in increasing order of difficulty. After this 79-day vacay - 2 years in business school. At UCLA. Hopefully living near the water in Santa Monica.

June 30 can not arrive quickly enough.
