Monday, November 20, 2006


I'm sure many of you have already heard/read about Michael Richards' (aka Kramer) recent racial tirade.

All I can say is "disgusting". I had read the NY Times article about the controversy but wanted to watch the video as well before writing this, to make sure I was going in with full information. But I actually had to stop within 30 seconds of the video because I couldn't stand what I was seeing.

You all know I'm a HUGE Seinfeld fan. And, like all Seinfeld fans, Kramer is one of the biggest, if not the biggest, reason why I watch the show religously on weekdays between 10-11pm rather than studying or doing anything else productive.

As far as I know, Richards has yet to apologize for his despicable display of racial insensitivity. I can only imagine what kind of drugs/alcohol he might have been on at the time, but clearly there's no excuse for what he's done, and no apology can rectify it. It's really sad to see one of the stars of such a ground-breaking, outside-the-box series revert back to traditional, historical stereotypes and epithets. While I can never give up Seinfeld, I'm staging my version of a sit-in tonight, and boycotting the 10-11pm episodes. Maybe I'll actually get some work done.



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