Title IX is in full effect...
OK, that was a lame and probably sexist reference to the fact that US Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) is set to become the first female Speaker of the House, as the Democrats won more than enough seats last night to take control of the chamber. They might even surprise the political pundits (is the word "pundit" ever used without the word "political" before it?) and take the Senate.
I really don't have a whole lot to say about the election, but I figure most of you were expecting me to write something about it, so here goes.
Honestly, the first thing I thought when I realized Pelosi will be Speaker wasn't anything related to her gender. I was just happy that the leader of the House will be representing the great state of California. Hopefully the benefits she can bring Californians at the national level will offset the harm Arnie will do to us at the state level.
Speaking of Californians, sometimes I just don't understand them. They're overwhelmingly Democrats and socially liberal. Yet they continue to elect Republican governors. And yesterday they passed a massive $40+ billion bond bill to fund transportation, housing, schools, and levees. Yet they voted against several tax hikes, including some that would seem relatively popular - a tax on oil companies and a tax on cigarette purchases. Econ lesson - "sin" taxes like those on cigs and liquor are good. Why? Because it doesn't matter how much cigs or alcohol costs. People still buy them. Hence, high tax revenues for the government. To fund, I dunno, maybe transportation, housing, schools, and levees. Now who do you think will be paying off the $40+ billion in bonds? If you said you (assuming you're relatively young, and a Californian) and me, congratulations, you're a winner. I voted against all but one of the bonds and now I'll be stuck paying the bills if I ever finish school and actually get a job. Thanks voters.
Incumbent George Allen (R-VA) is locked neck-in-neck with Jim Webb for a Senate seat. Allen, for those of you that don't follow politics, is the guy who referred to one of Webb's Indian staffers as "macaca" (a breed of monkey) a few months back. Just the kinda guy we need in D.C. Allen's currently trailing by a mere 6,000 votes, and will almost certainly demand a recount if he's declared the loser. Note to Allen: You're a loser, and you'll always be a loser.
Minnesotans elected the country's first Muslim Congressmen. Good for them. I'm extremely surprised that there had never been a Muslim in Congress before.
7 more states passed gay marriage bans, bringing the total to 27 (Arizonans defeated a gay marriage ban). Again, I ask, WHO THE F*CK CARES???!!!
I also have to eat a little crow for a previous post. In Missouri, voters approved a stem-cell research measure, as Michael J. Fox apparently trumpets Jeff Suppan and Kurt Warner.
Now, we wait for the official results. And then the stalemate between Bush and Congress begins.
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