Something I’m Thankful For
Apologies for the late “Thanksgiving” post, but I’ve spent the last couple of days at the ‘rents, where internet access is, well, nonexistent. Admittedly, that’s one thing I’m thankful for. I find myself much more productive and relaxed when I’m away from the Web for a couple of days, even though I find myself regularly checking my email on my cellphone, buying the newspaper to stay on top of current events, and glued to ESPNEWS for the latest in sports. I still figure I save at least an hour or two a day by avoiding Google Chat, mindless email exchanges, and moderately insightful columns on
Anyways, back to the inspiration for this post. As I sit here, it’s Thursday morning, and I’m enjoying the LA Times (to the extent the LA Times can be enjoyed), my morning 7-11 coffee, and watching the Lions vs. the Dolphins in the opener of a NFL Thanksgiving TRIPLEHEADER (I guess that’s the second thing I’m thankful for).
So I was just reading a story in the Times, about how, effective January 23, US citizens traveling from Canada, Mexico, and most Caribbean islands, must present passports to re-enter the US. Previously, citizens have simply needed to show driver’s licenses or another form of photo ID. Honestly, until reading this story, I didn’t even know there were these current exemptions. Why should people be allowed to go to ANY other country without having to show a passport upon return? Although I guess this policy must slightly reduce the enormous number of people crossing our “protected” borders illegally. (sidenote: now that the elections are over, can Congress PLEASE get moving on overhauling our immigration policy?)
So the REAL inspiration for this longer-than-I-expected post is the following quote: “The Department of Homeland Security estimates that one in four Americans already has a passport”. One in four! 25%! I found this statistic amazing. My first overseas trip was when I was 5, when my family and I went on a Mexican cruise. I realize now that I probably didn’t need a passport for that trip, nor for our visit to Eastern Canada when I was 7. But by the age of 9, I MUST have had a passport, because we went to Australia, New Zealand, Fiji and Tahiti (yeah, I was kinda spoiled as a kid, and in hindsight really wish I was mature enough to appreciate these trips, but, hey, I was freaking 9 years old!). So to think that 3 out of 4 American citizens have not left the continent legally simply amazes me, and makes me thankful for the opportunities I’ve had to travel. I mean, I’m only 26 years old (liberal use of the term “only”) and I’ve already been to 19 countries on 5 continents (hoping to add South America very soon and Antarctica never). Sometimes I take for granted how lucky I’ve been, and then I come across an article in the Times, which makes me realize how red-necked and land-locked the rest of my fellow citizens are.
Happy (belated) Thanksgiving everyone.
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